
Admissions are open NOW for the session  for Grades K to 8 (boys and girls). We have separate classes for boys and girls from Grade 4 to Grade 8.
43 Railside Rd, North York
Toronto, ON M3A 3L9
(416) 919-5644
(416) 285-5999
  • FEES: $3,000 annual (or Pre Authorized Debit payment of $300/month for 10 months)
  • Registration fee: $100 (Annually) Non Refundable 
  • Books & Supplies: $250 (One academic session)
  • Bus Fare: $140/month (for 10 months) depending on the distance and availability.

Fee Structure and procedure:


1. Tuition fee is applicable for 10 months and one MUST pay even if the child is away/ absent for one month, two or any number of days from September to June without any exemptions.

2. After 30 days the name will be withdrawn and as the student joins back then you will be charged $ 50 as Re- admission fee*.


  1. Student Enrollment Application Form (Apply online now ).
  2. Proof of birth (birth certificate, passport, landing document, or citizenship card)
  3. Updated Immunization Card
  4. Most recent report card of the student.
  5. Visit  for payments and registration. Accepting online registration now.
- Partial scholarship may be provided to needy parents and deserving students. Meet the Principal to discuss special accommodations. - We are requesting affluent parents to pay above the fees so that every student can be accommodated.